
The table below provides a convenient place to see the currently available OSLC specifications, their status, and links to the documents. Many of these specifications are still under development so you should consult the actual documents for the most up to date information.

The vocabularies for use in applications can be found on the Vocabularies page.

The titles below are abbreviated for convenience. The full titles are available from the linked documents. For multi-part specifications, typically only the main specification is listed. The other parts are available from that specification.

Status refers to the OASIS Standards Track Work Products in the OASIS Naming Directives

  • Working Draft (WD) [not approved, no official status]
  • Project Specification Draft (PSD)
  • Project Specification (PS)
  • Candidate for OASIS Standard (COS)
  • OASIS Standard (OS)
  • Final Indicates an open-services.net OSLC specification that has not yet been migrated to OASIS.

Note: The open-services.net specifications that are being migrated to OASIS by the OSLC Domains TC are strictly a document maintenance exercise. That is, a Final open-service.net specification may appear as an OASIS CSD with different formatting, but will have the same specification normative content. Migration of these documents to OASIS will therefore have no impact on implementations. open-services.net specifications that do not yet have at least OASIS CSD status will reference the existing (PDF) open-services.net specification, and the status will be shown in italics.

Active Publications

Title Publisher Description
Core 3.0 OS OSLC Open Project Latest published revision of the OSLC 3 specification. OASIS Standard
Query 3.0 OS OSLC Open Project Defines a simple, implementation independent selection and projection query capability. OASIS Standard
Quality Management 2.1 OS OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Quality Management domain.
Requirements Management 2.1 OS OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Requirements Management domain. OASIS Standard
Change Management 3.0 OS with Approved Errata 01 OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Change Management domain. OASIS Standard
Tracked Resource Set 3.0 OS OSLC Open Project Allows servers to expose a set of resources whose state can be tracked by clients.
Architecture Management 3.0 OS OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Architecture Management domain.
Configuration Management 1.0 OS OSLC Open Project OSLC Configuration Management defines an RDF vocabulary and a set of REST APIs for managing versions and configurations of linked data resources from multiple domains.
Asset Management 2.0 Final OSLC Asset Management WG (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Asset Management domain.
Automation 2.0 Final OSLC Automation WG (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the domain that supports automation of sequences of actions on OSLC resources.
Performance Monitoring 2.0 Final OSLC Performance Monitoring WG (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Performance Monitoring domain.
PROMCODE 1.0 OS OSLC PROMCODE TC PROject Management of COntracted DElivery approach based on OSLC. OASIS Standard.
Link Discovery Management 1.0 PSD OSLC Open Project OSLC REST services for an application to discover incoming links owned by some other application.
Systems Modeling Language PSD OSLC Open Project OSLC REST services for OMG Systems Modeling Language v2.

Working Drafts

See https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs#oslc-open-project-specifications for a list of actively edited drafts.

Obsolete Publications

Title Publisher Description
Tracked Resource Set 3.0 PS01 OSLC Open Project Allows servers to expose a set of resources whose state can be tracked by clients.
Tracked Resource Set 3.0 PSD01 OSLC Open Project Allows servers to expose a set of resources whose state can be tracked by clients.
Tracked Resource Set 2.0 Finalized Draft OSLC Core WG (closed) Allows servers to expose a set of resources whose state can be tracked by clients.
Quality Management 2.1 PS01 OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Quality Management domain.
Quality Management 2.0 Final OSLC Quality Management WG (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Quality Management domain.
Architecture Management 2.1 PSD01 OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Architecture Management domain.
Query 3.0 PS01 OSLC Open Project Defines a simple, implementation independent selection and projection query capability.
Core 3.0 PS02 OSLC Open Project Latest published revision of the OSLC 3 specification.
Core 2.0 Final OSLC Core WG (closed) A collection of specifications that defines the basic patterns, protocols and capabilities of OSLC clients and servers.
Requirements Management 2.0 Final OSLC Requirements Management WG (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Requirements Management domain.
Requirements Management 2.1 PS01 OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Requirements Management domain.
Change Management 3.0 PS01 OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Change Management domain.
Core 3.0 PS01 OSLC Open Project Latest published draft of the OSLC 3 specification.
Architecture Management 2.1 CS01 OSLC Domains TC (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Architecture Management domain.
Query 3.0 PSD 01 OSLC Open Project Defines a simple, implementation independent selection and projection query capability.
Quality Management 2.1 PSD 02 OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Quality Management domain.
Change Management 3.0 PSD03 OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Change Management domain.
Core 3.0 PSD 04 OSLC Open Project Latest published draft of the OSLC 3 specification.
Requirements Management 2.1 PSD 02 OSLC Open Project Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Requirements Management domain.
Query 3.0 CSPRD 01 OSLC Core TC (closed) Defines a simple, implementation independent selection and projection query capability.
Change Management 3.0 CS02 OSLC Domains TC (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Change Management domain.
Core 3.0 CSPRD 03 OSLC Core TC (closed) Latest published draft of the OSLC 3 specification.
Core 3.0 CSPRD 02 OSLC Core TC (closed) A collection of specifications that defines the basic patterns, protocols and capabilities of OSLC clients and servers.
Core 3.0 CS 01 OSLC Core TC (closed) A collection of specifications that defines the basic patterns, protocols and capabilities of OSLC clients and servers.
Core 3.0 CSD 01 OSLC Core TC (closed) A collection of specifications that defines the basic patterns, protocols and capabilities of OSLC clients and servers.
Core 3.0 CSPRD 01 OSLC Core TC (closed) A collection of specifications that defines the basic patterns, protocols and capabilities of OSLC clients and servers.
Architecture Management 2.1 CSPRD01 OSLC Domains TC (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Architecture Management domain.
Change Management 3.0 CS01 OSLC Domains TC (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Change Management domain.
Change Management 3.0 CSPRD01 OSLC Domains TC (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Change Management domain.
Requirements Management 2.1 CSPRD01 OSLC Domains TC (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Requirements Management domain.
Requirements Management 2.1 CS01 OSLC Domains TC (closed) Defines the OSLC services and vocabulary for the Requirements Management domain.

There are some additional OSLC documents that are currently inactive but are candidates for migration and could be sources of future specifications:

Obsolete or abandoned specifications:

Anyone interested in contributing to these specifications should join the applicable TC and propose additional work to add to the TC charter.