HistoryViewLinks to this page 2014 March 12 | 01:47 am

Minutes for 2014-01-21

Present: Nick, David, Sampath

Nick described contributor cache issue - how does contributor find the relevant contribution to a GC when asked to find a version of their resource in a GC? Read resources and use OSLC defined structure to search the contributions to find their own? Could be slow. Add a REST API to ask the GC provider for the relevant GC? And then cache the result? Latter then would require subscription or notification scheme. Attendees did not like the latter, pointing out all the standard arguments about async behavior, cache consistency, etc. Premature optimization?

We then discussed possible makeup of OASIS TC, and how meetings might work when multiple domain topics were to be discussed. Spend first 30 minutes on Change Mgt, then 30 minutes on Config Mgt, so users could attend the relevant part? Take attendance twice for voting rights purposes? Also discussed workload for group chair, and Nick’s concerns that he not have enough time to take on that role.