HistoryViewLinks to this page 2014 March 12 | 01:39 am

Minutes for 2013-12-10

Present: Nick, Steve, Peter, David

Nick described the changes to the resource definition and actions pages. Nick justified the two different containers by arguing that we needed an efficient way to get the configuration members of a configuration, separately from a container that included the non-configuration members. The configuration members are obtained from the configuration as an LDPC in itself, and the non-configuration members (possibly in addition to the configuration members) are obtained from the linked component LDPC.

Nick also described the new way of performing operations on configurations using the Actions approach, copied from the OSLC CM 3.0 draft. We agreed this technique was not final, and we need to coordinate the Change Management, Configuration Management, and Automation workgroups, ensuring we ned up with a consistent approach.

Nick also pointed out the inconsistency between the Configuration Management approach to lifecycle states (use a link from some resource not defined by the Configuration Management spec) and the Change Management approach (a set of predefined values for a state property embedded in the ChangeRequest resource); we agreed this needed resolution at some time.

Finally, we discussed the impact of OASIS on timing, namespaces, ability to control the spec and its timing, etc.