HistoryViewLinks to this page 2013 April 16 | 07:36 am

Minutes for 2012-12-04

Attending: David, Gray, Mike, Niklas

  • We recapped last week’s discussion on prov:wasRevisionOf.
  • We discussed whether baselines should only contain immutable members. It was felt that PLM tools tended not to use baselines as such, but rather use the term “release” to describe a fixed set of known versioned resources. There was at least one case mentioned where the term “baselining” tended to mean the act of preparing for a release. It was suggested that we use the term “configuration” for this since some of the versioned resources might be mutable.
  • We talked about how baselines and configurations might differ. It seems useful to be able to compare a configuration with a configuration or a baseline, and compare two baselines. However, there are potential issues with this if a configuration in a tool is not enumerable (has a known finite set of versioned resource members).
  • We discussed version skew. The definition on the terminology page would require that different configurations are used to support version skew. There was a feeling that this was too restrictive, especially in the PLM domain. Perhaps a configuration plus a “path” is what determines the version of a resource used in a configuration. We will revisit this topic when Nick is available.