HistoryViewLinks to this page 2013 January 22 | 08:53 am

Minutes for 2012-09-11

Attending: Nick, David, Mike, Steve S, Sandeep, Sampath, Peter, Niklas

  • We discussed the current state of the OSLC Configuration Management workgroup: the rechartering has been approved by the Steering Committee.
  • Nick said that the wiki has been migrated to the new wiki, and asked all members to sign revised the OSLC and workgroup participation agreements.
  • Nick mentioned a suggestion that members post short workgroup member descriptions/bios on wiki; another member commented that the new wiki already allowed for that - each member has a wiki page of their own created automatically when they sign the participation agreement forms, and that page has a place for a bio. We agreed that members should post a short bio of themselves - Nick has done so, and has also added a photo.
  • Nick went through the slightly revised Configuration Management Terminology page, where the group agreed that we needed to define (or specifically decline to define) version, version skew, revision, and branch - but we did not take the time to define those terms in the meeting.
  • We also went through the new Configuration Management Resource Definitions page, but did not have time for any development of that page.