HistoryViewLinks to this page 2013 January 22 | 08:51 am

Minutes for 2012-08-14

Attending: Nick Crossley, Niklas Larsen, Sandeep Kohli, Mike Loeffler, Peter Hack

  • Nick asked all participants to add their names to the Config Mgt wiki.
  • The group than reviewed the scenarios, starting with the primary scenario of a cross-tool, cross-domain baseline.
    Mike: baseline creation is like release process - it has a workflow, many people participate, and the release is built up and then snapshotted at some time.
  • Sandeep asked if we need closure of links - how do we decide what is part of a config. Nick: a baseline certainly needs to have enuerable contents, potentially found through delegation to the underlying providers. A modifiable configuration might need enumeration of contents, though is not yet completely clear. Mike - a baseline should be just a frozen config.
  • Mike - not sure about having any modifiable props on baseline - prefer to handle this by having other modifiable resources for workflow process that point to baselines. Mike volunteered to demo this in PLM context, probably a bit later when more of the group was back from vacation.
  • Mike also brought up the topic of variability and effectivity; we need to see how those concepts fit in with configurations, baselines, and their properties.
  • Nick asked participants to review old Core workgroup baseline proposals, to see two different past approaches - even though neither of them may be quite what we want today.