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Confirmed webcasts

Proposed webcasts

Completed webcasts

(There’s also a listing of all the webcasts, including videos, on this page.)


For the OSLC Community:

  1. To provide a forum for OSLC Community Members to share their experiences and successes;
  2. To show off their work; and
  3. To connect with other OSLC Community Members to begin another round of creative collaboration.

For the Broader Technical and Business Community:

  1. To learn about interesting and useful new technologies enabled by OSLC;
  2. To gain a better understanding of the possibilities of OSLC by seeing its current reality; and
  3. To provide a (virtual) face-to-face forum for connecting with the OSLC Community.

Confirmed webcasts

Proposed webcasts

Using OSLC-RM to integrate with DOORS / MBAT exposition

Considering 1Q 2013

“What would you think about a OSLC Webcast about MBAT and our usage of OSLC? This is very important with regard to our dissemination activities and you already have all information needed.”

(Potential) Speakers:

  1. Frederic Loriet, KTH
  2. Erwin Schoitsch, AIT
  3. Parham Vasaiely, EADS

Considerations for building to OSLC integration

Idea: Review what you need to consider when planning for implementing an OSLC provider. Will look at scenarios, technologies, SDKs, testing, iterative development and dealing with boot-strapping an in progress implementation.

Speaker: Steve Speicher, IBM

Tool landscape in a Linked Data world

Idea: This workshop will discuss how organizations will have to rethink their tool landscape in how integrations come together and the value they can get from them.

Speaker: Steve Speicher, IBM

Completed webcasts

One month of Eclipse Lyo 1.0 - 31 October 2012, 11 AM EDT

Abstract: Lets take a look at what was released in Eclipse Lyo 1.0, how people have been making use of it, and what’s next for the project.

The overall webcast will consist of four 7-9 minute “mini-casts”, each offering an opportunity to ask questions:

  1. OSLC4J Update
  2. OSLC and Jazz client libraries and samples
  3. What’s new in the OSLC test suite
  4. Plans for 4Q2012


Mike Fiedler; co-lead of the Eclipse Lyo project.

Registration Link.

Mini-cast 3-pack: Eclipse Lyo Perl Modules - 16 October 2012, 11 AM EDT


This webcast will be presented in 3 parts:

  1. Details and demo of the Lyo-OSLC module which is an OSLC CM client developed for use with Rational Team Concert and Rational ClearQuest. Presented by Max Vohlken.
  2. Details and demo of the Net-OSLC-CM module which is a generic OSLC CM module that was developed for the Simple Defects distributed bug tracking system. Presented by Stephanie Ouillon.
  3. A round table discussion of the differences between the two contributions, ongoing work, and areas for future work. Roundtable participants Olivier Berger, Mike Fiedler, Stephanie Ouillon, Max Vohlken, and Yuhong Yin

Each part will be 7-9 minutes and will include time for questions.

About the speakers:

Max Vohlken is a Release Engineer for the Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest products. Max has been working in the build, automation, and release engineering arenas for over 15 years. Over Max’s many years as a release engineer he has written many Perl scripts and Perl libraries to automate the repetitive chores that release engineers typically encounter.

Stephanie Ouillon is a 21-year-old French engineer student at Télécom SudParis studying distributed services architecture. She developed the Net-OSLC-CM module as her second-year project.

Olivier Berger is a Research Engineer at the Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis

Mike Fiedler is the co-lead of the Eclipse Lyo project.

Registration link.

OSLC ALM-PLM Interoperability - Proof of Concept 18 September 2012, 11 AM EDT


This presentation describes results of ongoing work to evaluate interoperability between Teamcenter and various tools from the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) domain, using the emerging Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) Standard. The standard is already in use to enable collaboration between Change Management, Requirements Management, Source Code Control and other ALM domain tools. To support a complex Mechatronic product (i.e. an Automobile), the standard must also support collaboration with PLM domain tools. Development of this connector has exposed the need for OSLC extensions to cover concepts such as Product Definition and Structure, Effectivity and Variants.


Mike Loeffler is Systems Engineering IT specialist at GM. Mike is focused on application of IT systems such as Teamcenter to support Systems Engineering across the entire vehicle development life cycle. Mike has vehicle engineering domain experience in both electrical hardware and embedded software development, and standards development experience with ISO-STEP. Mike represents GM on various OSLC workgroups including PLM.

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Presentation slides.

OSLC access and debugging using your browser 21 August 2012, 11 AM EDT


OSLC access and debugging using browser-only methods What will be covered:

  • Using browser-only ways to access OSLC provider capabilities
  • Leverage REST browser add-ons
  • OSLC service discovery drill down
  • OAuth authentication to get at protected resources

Presenter: Mike Fiedler, Eclipse Lyo co-lead

Sign-up to watch live:

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SAP Connector: Join SAP Solution Manager and IBM CLM using OSLC 24 July 2012, 12 noon EDT


This talk will give a background and description of the IBM Rational Connector for SAP Solution Manager, covering its inception as a custom application for the Blue Harmony project (IBM’s deployment of SAP packaged applications for the IBM back office, the largest single deployment of SAP packaged applications) and its evolution into a commercial product. Following this background material, there will be a live demonstration of the features of the connector. The talk will conclude with a discussion of the design of the connector and the approach, development and testing, used to implement the connector, including the use the connector makes of OSLC interfaces to the CLM applications and the connector’s partial implementation of the OSLC CM specification.


Steve Pitschke is the architect and development lead for the IBM Rational Connector for SAP Solution Manager. In his 17 years at IBM he worked primarily on the ClearCase and ClearQuest products, serving as as senior architect and developer. Previous to
IBM, Steve was at a number of high tech startups and was one of the early architects of the X11 Window System. Steve started his career as a consultant in the area of large scale computer modeling as applied to transportation research and market research.

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Any Record, Any Where, Any Time: OSLC-enabled Applications System Development 11 AM EDT, 26 June 2012


We have deployed a set of five OSLC-enabled applications, created independently by business specialists from different divisions within our company. Each application was independently vetted in a production environment by hundreds of engineers around the world using them on a 24 hour X 7 day basis for more than a year. Each application has its own security facilitated by Single Sign-On technology. Some benefits and outcomes:

  • Application context switching is minimized by mouse hover and UI preview of OSLC linked records
  • This loosely-coupled system replaces a tightly-coupled, synchronization-replicating application whose design required interdisciplinary business knowledge and code needing many conditions
  • Synchronization-replication of data across applications has been minimized; duplication has been reduced to only the data that does not change and needs real-time reporting
  • Records are extracted from various application databases and transformed into standard format; once loaded into a Data Warehouse, OSLC-linked records are reported as though they are one record
  • An index database created from the Data Warehouse provides system-wide, string-based, text searching Join us to learn more details of our success, and some of the challenges we overcame to realize it.


Bob Myers, IBM Rational Internal Deployment Team

Sign-up to watch live: Once you register, you will receive all the details of joining the conference live.

Apr 20, 11am EDT - Sharing Kovair Experiences in Developing OSLC Based Integrations


Kovair has built an OSLC Wrapper around its Omnibus Integration Platform that enables all the tools already integrated to the Omnibus to be exposed as OSLC Service Providers. Any OSLC enabled Consumer tool like IBM RTC and RRC can now connect to variety of ALM tools including HP Quality Center, Microsoft TFS, SharePoint and Atlassian Jira through OSLC linking. This webcast will focus on a technical overview of the Kovair OSLC project and the experiences by the Kovair team in developing, debugging and testing the OSLC Service Provider. It will include a discussion on the challenges faced by the team during implementation and tips on how to tackle them.


Atanu Majumdar, VP Products & Technology, Kovair
Atanu has been working with Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) technologies for over 18 years. He led the product team at Kovair. Atanu envisioned, architected and managed the successful development of enterprise products in ALM and Application Integration domains. He has been instrumental in the innovation of Enterprise Service Bus based Omnibus Integration Platform at Kovair over the past 5 years. He is the architect for OSLC Wrapper around the Omnibus.

Puranjoy Chatterjee, Senior Project Manager, Kovair
Puranjoy has been working with the Kovair ALM product for the last 12 years. He leads the development of the Omnibus product line at Kovair and has been working on multi-vendor tool integrations for the last 5 years. He has been involved with the Architecture, Design & Development of Kovair’s Omnibus Integration Platform. He has helped many companies discover the benefits of integrated ALM by designing, building and deploying solutions for them. The Omnibus OSLC Provider has been built under his technical leadership and guidance.

March 20, 2012, 11 AM EDT - Eclipse Lyo M1


Eclipse Lyo is an open source project created with the goal of providing OSLC resources for developers of tool integrations. The focus of the Eclipse Lyo project is to provide an SDK for OSLC for enabling ALM tool integrations. Project content includes reference implementations, test suites, and libraries (including samples and examples). The project is licensed under the Eclipse Public License and the Eclipse Distribution License. This webcast will focus on a technical overview of the Eclipse Lyo project, the tools available to developers and tips for getting started quickly. It will also cover participating in the Eclipse Lyo project.

Speakers: Michael Fiedler, Eclipse Lyo committer

Mar 1, 11 AM EST - Announcing the Rational OSLC Adapter for Atlassian JIRA


IBM Rational recognizes that diverse environments are a reality for our customers, and that reliable integrations between their tooling are crucial to their success. Leveraging the power of OSLC, IBM Rational has built a CM 2.0 provider that allows data in Atlassian JIRA 4.4.x to be linked to or created from any compliant CM 2.0 consumer. In our case, we’re addressing the need of our customers to integrate the Rational solution for CLM 3.0.1.x with Atlassian JIRA for situations where they have JIRA users that need to be fully incorporated into their development lifecycle traceability. Join this webcast to see the adapter in action, and to learn about how it was developed.


Jozef de Vries & Joseph Leong, IBM Rational Integrations Gearbox Development Team

Jozef de Vries is an Advisory Software Engineer on the Rational Integrations Gearbox team; a development team dedicated to building OSLC based integrations with priority 3rd party tools. Coming from a background in information architecture and user experience, his current responsibilities are working with product management, sales, marketing, and our customers to ensure that the Gearbox team’s development efforts are in line with customer demands while remaining faithful to the OSLC mission.

Joseph Leong has been developing for IBM AIM/Rational Software Group since 2008. His experience has revolved around developing application server technology and integration technology. Starting with contributions to IBM WAS CE and now transitioned to more integration technology centric developments. He has made key contributions to the IBM Rational SAP Connector, which integrates SAP Solution Manager/Service Desk to Rational products, Rational Requirements Composer, and the IBM Rational OSLC Adapter for JIRA. Presently, he continues to develop integration technology with OSLC for the Rational Integration Gearbox team.

Feb 16 11am ET - Using OSLC in the context of Strategic Planning for IT Hosted and Presented by Corso.


The Strategic Planning Platform (SPP) framework is the next evolution in IT management. It is designed to systematically manage change across an organisation. It draws upon new trends in Web technology such as OSLC to facilitate a more decentralised approach to analyzing and prioritizing market changes and business demands. The framework helps organisations understand how they operate today to manage future change. By embracing EA, IT and business into the change process, an organisation can elevate decision-making to a strategic level. IT becomes a full partner in the process.


Jamie Knowles, Managing Partner - Technology, Solutions, Corso
Jamie Knowles has been in Enterprise Architecture and Cloud technologies for over 15 years. Jamie led the product management team for Cloud at IBM Rational. Prior to this, Jamie worked in the Enterprise Architecture product management team, dealing with IBM Rational System Architect solutions. Jamie has been instrumental in much of the innovation in Enterprise Architecture over the past 10 years. Jamie can deliver EA and Strategic Planning solutions, products and converse at all levels in an organization.

Martin Owen, Managing Partner - Strategy, Marketing, Products, Corso
Martin Owen led the world wide product team for Enterprise Architecture and Strategic Planning at IBM. He has over 20 years experience in EA and was a co-author of the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Martin was responsible for the successful growth of IBM tooling including System Architect which had year on year growth of over 30%. Martin has experience in managing products, projects and proving the value of architecture and planning to all types of organizations at all levels.

Presentation Slides:


**Feb 7 10am EST - Introduction to, and demonstration of, the W3C Community Group Tools

Abstract: How do you best use the W3C Community Group tools? Often the easiest way to learn is to see them in action. Learn how to:

  1. Create an account
  2. Join a group
  3. Make a blog post
  4. Use the wiki
  5. Use the different mailing lists
  6. Use IRC to create meeting minutes
  7. Make best use of the Tracker issue tracking tool, including IRC and mailing list integration

While you may not walk a way as an expert at any of these, you will know what is possible with the tools, and how to start using them effectively.


Ian Jacobs, W3C

Feb 2 11am ET - Systems Engineering Tools Integration and Interoperability using OSLC in the SPRINT project


Systems engineering such as in the A&D industry is not only challenged by the increasing complexity of modern cyber-physical systems but also by the engineering process itself. This process includes the collaboration between globally distributed engineering teams operating within different companies and domains. The SPRINT project addresses these needs by building a collaboration platform based on the interoperability technologies proposed by the OSLC. The SPRINT collaboration platform provides a seamless, large-scale integration of system engineering tools and services.


Uri Shani, IBM, Parham Vasaiely, EADS and Andreas Keis, EADS.

Jan 19 11am ET - Making ALM work across multi-vendor and open source solutions with OSLC Hosted and Presented by Tasktop.


For most medium and large organizations the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) stack has become so diverse and disconnected that the traceability and cross-stakeholder collaboration limitations have become a substantial bottleneck for software delivery. OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration – see http://open-services.net) aims to alleviate this by providing open specifications for diverse systems to communicate and support integrated scenarios. While a growing number of systems implement the specification, it will take more time for OSLC to be widely supported by all leading ALM solution vendors. But there is no need to wait for increased OSLC adoption. Join this webinar to learn how Tasktop is harnessing the thriving open Eclipse Mylyn community of ALM integrations to realize the OSLC value proposition by providing broad multi-vendor OSLC support today.

Speaker Bio:

Robert Elves is co-founder of Tasktop Technologies where he is leading delivery of OSLC-enabled integration technologies. Robert has served on the OSLC specification committee since its inception and participates in the OSLC CM, Automation, and Core working groups. In the Eclipse community, Robert is a committer on the Mylyn ALM integration framework as well as the Lyo project, which is focused on providing an SDK to enable adoption of OSLC specifications. At Tasktop, Robert leverages OSLC to improve communication, traceability and reporting across heterogeneous software development solutions including IBM Rational Team Concert, IBM Rational ClearQuest , HP Quality Center, Microsoft TFS, and many others.

open-services.net blog post

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