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This page is dedicate to gather some interest around developing a set of Integration Patterns.

Table of Contents



A way to provide an approachable way to understand what technologies are recommended by the OSLC community for various integration scenarios. These patterns can also be thought of as a way to present and share various best practices.


Patterns could cover both high-level and lower-level patterns. They identify the problem that they are addressing and scenarios where it has emerged, though not limited to. There may be multiple patterns that for various scenarios, it will be up to the end user to decide which pattern applies to their specific situation.


The intended usage if for anyone to be able to use these scenarios as a starting point to customize for their specific situation and needs. It would be ideal to link to original pattern when this is done and it indicate which patterns are used.

Pattern Catalog

The following is only a sampling/proposal on what these patterns might be (level of detail, scope, high priority)

Heterogeneous Change Management

Status: Proposed Recommendation: TBD Problem: More than one change management (CM) solution is often needed to track an original enterprise change request, which needs to flow to other CM tools Pattern: Scenarios: Specifications: OSLC-CM 2.0, OSLC-CM 3.0 Type:


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