HistoryViewLinks to this page Revision from: 2012 November 7 | 11:00 am
This is the revision from 2012 November 7 at 11:00 amView the current live version of the article.

Where should, and where does, OSLC have a presence in 2013.

An original (incomplete) list of conferences was shared on the Steering Committee mailing list in September 2012. The table starts from that, but we should keep it up to date. Once there is more information about a specific conference, create its own page to track all the info (e.g.: OSLC at Innovate 2012).

| Name | Date | Location | Call for Papers | | ==== | ==== | ======== | =============== | | IBM Pulse | Mar 3-6 | Los Vegas, NV | Nov 9, 2012 | | EclipseCon (ALM Connect) | Mar 25-28 | Boston, MA | Nov 19, 2012 (ALM Connect) | | IBM Innovate | TBA | TBA | TBA |