HistoryViewLinks to this page 2014 January 16 | 10:08 am

OSLC Change Management November 7, 2013

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Included in Meeting agendas and minutes


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Community Updates: Feedback from teams looking to adopt 3.0: need severity “blocker.”

No spec issues.

Main agenda:

Sam: Do delegated actions dialogs fit into the RCR scenario? It could be a fallback for when programmatically changing the state fails.

Workgroup agrees it makes sense.

Sam: If we support dialogs, should programmatic (POST) actions be required?

Consensus is “yes” to make things easier on consumers and support scenarios like RCR.

Sam: Should we support prefill like for creation dialogs?

No current scenario needs this.

The postMessage response for successful or failed actions still TBD.

Next steps: Update actions proposal to capture requirements for delegated dialogs and possibly add some examples of what it might look like.

Steve: Do we just need the type URIs or do we need to define properties? There are many scenarios where just having the type URI is very valuable.

Consensus is that just defining the URIs is valuable and no scenario requires more than CM common properties.

Next steps: Add the CM type URIs to the 3.0 draft spec.

Attendees: Samuel Padgett, Steve Speicher, Brian Steele

