HistoryViewLinks to this page 2012 December 20 | 10:56 am

(In-progress working document) - supporting specification development for the evolving versions of OSLC-AM specifications. This is not an official list of committed items but a live working document to help prioritize and elaborate on the specification efforts.



The purpose of this page is to catalog various specification topics that have arisen and to place on a backlog for consideration in future specification. The list of items will continue to evolve and is not assumed to be in any priority order unless explicitly stated as being.

For additional information on direction for AM V3.0, see AM Architectural Direction 3.0

Backlog details

Alignment with Core 3.0

Align AM 3.0 spec with Core specifications v3.0.

Things to consider:

  • Discuss issues with the AM and Core specifications
  • New Turtle requirement for representation format

Supporting material:

Diagram resource type

Define a resource to describe a visual representation: sketches, UML diagrams, BPMN diagram…

Things to consider:

  • A visual representation can be a picture (jpeg, png)

Supporting material:

Provide guidance on OSLC link usage to support lifecycle traceability (AM linked to RM, QM, CCM, and others)

Things to consider:

  • Link type is deprecated
  • SysML dependencies

Supporting material:

Predefined queries

A predefined query resource defines how a client can execute a potentially complicated but common query on AM resources. With predefined queries, the client invokes queries by only supplying values for predefined parameters.

Things to consider:

  • Should be considered for Core 3.0 as predefined queries are not AM-specific

Supporting material:

Support for Impact Analysis

When something changes(or is proposed to change), we want to know what the ‘impact’ of this change is. Impact in this sense means which resources might also have to change to maintain the integrity of the system.

Things to consider:

  • tbd

Supporting material:

Long running operations

When the server is performing long running operations, an asynchronous mechanism needs to be available so that the client initiates the process and polls the server on a regular basis to get a status.

Things to consider:

  • tbd

Supporting material:

Change request linking

Support the ability to associate/link change requests to change sets instead of directly to resources.

Things to consider:

  • tbd

Supporting material:

Supporting references