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SCM Use Cases

There is now just one initial scenario - the Drill-down Story.

Previously considered use cases were:

but many of the topics in those use cases have now been ruled out of our initial scope, and what is left was mostly been merged into the drill down scenario. The most common reason for deciding a feature was out of scope for SCM V1 is if the feature commonly relies on file content or file handling typically needing to be performed on a client; SCM V1 is limited to purely server-side operations.

The SCM specification is based on the OSLC Core Specification, and several workgroup members have been active in the evolution of that specification and the related guidance documents.


This topic: Main > WebHome > ScmHome > SCMUseCases
Topic revision: r6 - 09 Sep 2010 - 07:50:28 - NickCrossley
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