This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.

-- IanGreen - 30 Jun 2009

Requirements from Accenture

  • Provide ability to capture blob requirement data such as process diagrams from ARIS Business Architect or simulations from Axure. This is similar to functionality allowing capture of Word content. This will allow disparate file types to be captured in a central repository that users will use as the single source of content.
  • Provide ability to share common elements such as glossary and reporting.
  • Provide ability to share requirement detail such as associating a requirement text to a button on an Axure simulation or node on an ARIS Business Architect process model. This is similar to the functionality available in RRC today that allows discrete requirement text to be associated to an RRC storyboard or process sketch element. The intent is to allow linkages between tools/editors at a granular level.

This topic: Main > WebHome > RmHome > RmScenarios > RmScenariosAccenture
Topic revision: r1 - 30 Jun 2009 - 13:30:33 - IanGreen
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