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Agenda 8th August 2011

Attendees Ian,Dominic,Paul,Vishy


  • A means to provide simple transformations based on, for example, content-type (via Accept headers). - e.g., HTML representations, pictures: no direct way to do this - eg a PDF representation of a RequirementCollection? . Some providers (eg RQM) do a redirect to the web UI rendering of the resource. Other clients may want some other rendering of those resources, such as a PDF representation of a requirement collection. The RM spec does not prevent such things, and they shoud be admitted by OSLC RM 2.0 specification.
  • More complex scenarios include the generation of new resources, updating existing resources etc, in accordance with some parametrised computation. For example, computing a delta across some family of resources, running scripts over some proprietary APIs. Consider the OSLC automation workgroup as a place to collaborate on this. Driver from some OSLC RM providers is to take advantage of existing product capabilities. Allowing vendors to exploit their product capabilities in a way which is described by OSLC specifications.
    • Pressing example (cf. discussioin in the OSLC AM workgroup) Model transformations and reconciliations ("fusing")
    • Scripting extension capabilities. How far can a provider go, with the OSLC Core resource model, in exposing its scripting API - for example, resources which describe "scripting invokations", in much the same way that OSLC Query does. One issue is a need to run scripts asynchronously, and another is to be able to describe the results of the script with OSLC Shape Resources. DT: how different is this from OSLC Query?


  • How much can we abuse query parameters to add context? Do we lose URI canonicity? Does this matter?
  • Does baselinging a resource create a new type of resource
  • with r1-737272 - several resources pointing at different baselines, or at the same resource. How would a data warehouse interpret those references? we lose the coherence between resources in those baselines. Are there use cases that require that baselined resources can be identified?
    • Alternative is to use the revision of the resource as a parameter
  • Paul: could we add a reification on the link to indicate the version of the resource to which we are referring. Dominic - limited to certain use cases - eg can't email a context-specific URI to someone.
  • DT: can we use the phrase "well-defined state" of a requirement? Not sure that state is sufficient?
No actions but agreed that interacting with AM workgroup and the automation workgroup would be part of how to move forward with scripting investigation.

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Topic revision: r2 - 08 Aug 2011 - 16:31:44 - IanGreen
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