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Scenario T9 - The impact of a change is assessed


This scenario addresses the investigation of changes elsewhere that may require changes to a particular requirement.


A given requirement exists that is traced to other artefacts. This requirement is referred to as the 'root requirement'. Some of the other artefacts have changed since the last time an assessment was made.


  1. An impact graph is assembled by following satisfaction relations from the root requirement to all other linked artefacts.
  2. All requirements in the impact graph that have changed since the last investigation are highlighted.
  3. If any changes are needed, the root requirement is modified.
  4. The assessment is marked as complete.


Change has been propagated.


This is a generalisation of the DOORS "suspect links" feature.

-- JeremyDick - 12 Feb 2010

This topic: Main > WebHome > RmHome > RmScenarios > RmTraceabilityScenarios > RmChangePropagation
Topic revision: r3 - 22 Feb 2010 - 17:19:50 - IanGreen
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