This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.
-- JulianneBielski - 29 Aug 2012


Implementation underway and getting feedback; feeling pressure to close spec so that development can be stabilized and all remaining work known and finite.

Review Sample RDF.xml representing a Computer System with a performance monitoring record


- Why do we call PerformanceMonitoringRecord? PerformanceMonitoringRecord? instead of PerformanceMonitoringResource? ?

- We seem to be putting classes and properties in both the Specification document and the vocabulary document ( #). What is

the difference? And, do we need to document everything as formal rdfs? For example, imagine this was one of the Performance Monitoring properties:

<rdf:Property rdf:about="">
<rdfs:commentxml:lang="en-US">A name given to the resource.</rdfs:comment>
<dc:descriptionxml:lang="en-US">Typically, a Title will be a name by which the
resource is formally known.</dc:description>
<rdfs:isDefinedByrdf:resource="" />

- Where should pm:process, pm:monitoringAgent be documented? They're used as a way of relating a computer's processes and agents to classes of Processes and Agents. Is that the standard way of accomplishing this?

- Currently we're relating processes, disks, and monitoring agents to ComputerSystems? via repeated properties with 'resource' attributes pointing to local URIs. Is there a better way of representing these relationships if we only care about disks, processes, and agents as they pertain to targets of ComputerSystem? metrics?

- Should we use foaf:Agent class?

- How do we properly use string values and enumerated types as metric values, for example to denote Availability Status?


Julie to talk to Janet re: ordering of monitoring agents in computer system resource

Update Availability Status definition

Ping David Harrison, moving to convergence

Make updates based on today's discussion (Julie, John)

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
xmlxml Sample_RDF.xml manage 15.1 K 29 Aug 2012 - 18:33 JulianneBielski Sample of ComputerSystem? with PerformanceMonitoringRecord?
Topic revision: r3 - 29 Aug 2012 - 20:00:24 - JulianneBielski
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