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Application Monitoring Administration

Business Goal

Provide administrative interface for performance monitoring applications. Activation and de-activation of the monitoring application and update of its properties thereby enabling changes in scope and the frequency of the monitoring.

Use Case - Monitoring Application activate

  1. A resource hosts an application.
  2. An application health consumer queries for performance data (real-time or historic) about the hosted application.
    1. Alternative - An application health consumer queries the status of the monitoring application.
  3. The application health provider responds that the monitoring application is not activated.
  4. The application health consumer requests the monitoring application to activate.
  5. The application health provider responds that the monitoring application has activated.
  6. The application health consumer queries for performance data (real-time or historic) about the hosted application.
  7. The application health provider responds with the requested data.

Use Case - Monitoring Application change scope

  1. A resource hosts an application.
  2. An application health consumer requests that additional performance data collection is activated.
  3. The application health provider responds that the additional performance data collection has been activated.
  4. An application health consumer queries for performance data (real-time or historic) about the hosted application.
  5. The application health provider responds with the requested data.

Use Case - Monitoring Application change frequency

  1. A resource hosts an application.
  2. An application health consumer requests the update of a monitoring resource property data collection frequency.
  3. The application health provider responds that the property has been updated.
  4. An application health consumer queries for performance data (real-time or historic) about the hosted application.
  5. The application health provider responds with the requested data in the updated granularity.

Use Case - Monitoring Application de-activate

  1. A resource hosts an application.
  2. The application health consumer requests the monitoring application to be de-activated.
  3. The application health provider responds that the monitoring application has been de-activated.
    1. Alternative - The application health provider responds that the application monitoring is not activated.

Use Case - Monitoring Application request property status

  1. A resource hosts an application.
  2. The application health consumer requests the status of the application monitoring properties.
  3. The application health provider responds with the application properties statuses and values.
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Topic revision: r2 - 14 May 2012 - 11:53:49 - JohnArwe
Main.PmAppMonitAdmin moved from Main.AppMonitAdmin on 14 May 2012 - 11:48 by JohnArwe - put it back
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