This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.
-- GrayBachelor - 10 Aug 2011

Aug 9th Tuesday 11am OSLC PLM workgroup
Attendees: Gray, Rainer, Jim, Mike
Apologies: Nick, David, Steve

1. Update on the reference model availability and feedback

2. Resource prototyping using RIO / eclipse Lyo
Mike has implemented hs proposed resources on his rm implementation
Jim can change directly and is updating
Mike have sent patches to Steve and these should align to Jims updates
Jim can commit
Mike will ptach against rm code 2.48
ACTION: Jim will update and inform Mike/Gray
3. Application and extension of the reference model
Gray is building topcased models for the pre-quel (Create CR and associate product context, requirements and config for Story 1

4. Responding to new OSLC Specs and concepts being published
Mike's proposals for versions, view definition
Mike plan to mail the Core Spec
ACTION: Gray to make a link on Front page for working extensions (Underway
ACTION:Gray to ask David to share his analysis back as supporting the proposals
ACTION: Schedule look at Mike's TC implementation for Aug 16th (Planned
ACTION: Schedule the main work group for Aug 30th (Underway

Topic revision: r2 - 16 Aug 2011 - 12:33:41 - GrayBachelor
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