This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.
-- GrayBachelor - 06 Dec 2010

OSLC PLM Reference model

Draft proposed as 1.0 for adoption by the OSLC PLM Workgroup

The objective of the model is to provide a representative description of PLM information related to the scenario certain standard representations have been selected to address the concerns of Scenario #1.

We have mined SysML? and STEP representations (based on ISO 10303) due to their ability to represent aspects of context, requirements and system implementation and due to the motive to support modelling.They represent reasonably well documented and utilised representations, supported by multiple organisations and vendors.

Overview of the proposed PLM Reference Model content

Based on the OMG SysML? education example with enhancements for PLM. The main elements are

  1. SysML? model representations
  2. Requirements Diagrams
  3. Block diagrams
  4. STEP text, xml and OWL representations
Taking this path also provides an example instance, a Hybrid Sports Utility Vehicle (HSUV), which is readily understood and lends itself well to support certain extensions for the scenario. The attached PLM Reference Model overview lists the extensions made.

The OSLC PLM Reference model package below consists of

- archived SysML? project

- xlst files to process the xmi extract from the SysML? project

- STEP file

- html web site

- png files fron the SysML? project in topcased

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
zipzip manage 3066.1 K 07 Dec 2010 - 14:20 GrayBachelor Proposed PLM Reference Model for adoption
pptppt OSLC_PLM_Reference_model_V0.6.ppt manage 600.5 K 07 Dec 2010 - 14:27 GrayBachelor PLM Reference Model overview (proposed for adoption)
zipzip manage 1791.3 K 08 Dec 2010 - 09:21 GrayBachelor xlst for processing the xmi and OWL files
Topic revision: r3 - 08 Dec 2010 - 09:21:41 - GrayBachelor
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