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Core Spec Review meetings - March 29 and 30, 2010

Here are the raw notes from the session. Issues from these notes will be documented on the OslcCoreV2Issues page.


Monday March 29
   10AM - Noon
        - Overall comments
        - OSLC defined resources
        - Common properties
   1:30PM - 3:30PM
        - Service Resources
        - Delegated UI

 Tuesday March 30
   10AM - Noon
        - Representations
        - Authentication
   1:30PM - 3:30PM
        - Resource Shapes
        - Query

OSLC Core spec final review session #1/4

SteveS - X
TackT - X
DavidB - X
JamesC - X
PaulM - X
NickC - X

NickC - file/file descriptor guidance needed ASAP
TackT - questions need/use case for multiple shapes/query capability
DaveJ - Extended Error vs. Extended Message

DaveJ - Resouce Update, should use 409 conflict instead? 412?
JamesC - 409 for concurrency, 412 for other issues
JamesC - no If-Match then 412
PaulM - need two response codes here
AI - ensure that two response codes documented

JamesC - versioning solution not workable - separate URIs!?!
SteveS - may be able to use content-types
JamesC - use version header to tell v1 vs v2
JamesC - how about a "latest" header
AI - no header means send earliest/most compatible version
AI - kill the migration service stuff

NickC - common versioning? need to specify what the OSLC-Version means 
AI - response & request should indicate core & domain verions

AI: ensure Service Resource says same thing as diagram, 0..N shapes / query

TackT: is one domain / service too restrictive
AI: discuss in service provider session

TackT: clients may not need to be able to discover stable vs. unstable

AI: follow up on paging: do we have redundant mechanisms

AI: do we need a URI type at all now that we have Node

Need to differentiate
a - Properties about a resource at a URI
b - Properties about a link/relationship

rdf:resource - simply refers to resource
rdf:about - adds propeties to 

OSLC Core spec final review session #2/4

SteveS - X
ArthurR - X
TackT - X
DavidB - X
PaulM - X
JamesC - X
NickC - X
Sofia - X

ArthurR: nice explanation of stripeing 
AI: replace word "Node" with 'Resource"

ArthurR: consider placing oslc:nextPage in oslc:Query, even inside plain old resource
Maybe a propery 'oslc:response'

ArthurR: use "strongly discouraged" rather than MUST on the new content-types section. 
NickC: encourage use or standard types, discourage gratuitous new types

SteveS: elements vs. terms
AI: do we need anything other than the 'dc' namespace?

ArthurR: shape should declare what RDF type it is defining
AI: yes, add this

ArthurR: How to get shape or shapes given a URI?

JamesC: one instance of resource can have mutliple RDF types

AI: ensure that there's a way to get from resource back to its service provider
oslc:context points to service? oslc:serviceProvider points to provider?

TackT: in service resource can we have a title or type for the shapeURI properties

AI: explore Tack's user case, re: associating shapeURIs with Query Capabilities

SteveS: service provider example had a reporting service, provider supporting 2 services

ArthurR: service provider and elsewhere, use rdf:resource to carry URI value type

ArthurR: domainNamespaceUI is really rdf:type

OSLC Core spec final review session #3/4

TackT - X
SteveS - X
JamesC - X
DavidB - X
PaulM - X
NickC - X
RobertElves - X

JamesC - so, what do we do when we need ordering? Use RDF collection to represent this, RDF sequence?
DaveJ - Introduce Ordered Node?

PaulM - re: xml:base. Difference between creation time and update? 
JameC - when resource is created, does POSTed representation have to be valid? Server may fill in some required values.
PaulM - some fields are "required but read-only" e.g. the AtomPub ID example
AI: don't require absolute URIs on creation - e.g. XML base URI may be missing

TackT: what is value-type URI for, URI as string?
AI: URI for string, Resource is for true URI. Make this more clear in Defined Resources section.

PaulM: what about starting with RDF/XML then proving mechanism for generating JSON, Atom, etc.

TackT: reporting work-group really needs form-based authentication, would prefer it in core
AI: get Form Based Auth on WG agenda for guidance

RobertE: form based will be loose recommendation

AI: DaveJ to follow-up on need for "those three OAuth URLs" 

AI: clarify what two-legged OAuth means

OSLC Core spec final review session #4/4

ArthurR - X
TackT - X
PaulM - X
JamesC - X
NickC - X

re: Resource Shapes
SteveS: allowed values are often computed, allow way to get them via URI
SteveS: allowed/default values must be of same type as property that defines

ArthurR: re: alternative translations, specify use of xml:lang attribute where 
appropriate - most appropriate with XML/XHTML value
AI: get xml:lang into spec, RDF/XML section

re: what happens when omitted? 
AI: omitted: all "reasonable" properties, e.g. those specifed in resource definition
AI: * means dump of everything that can be safety , system values, etc.

Look for SteveS's ResourceRepresentation

NickC: don't return 403 when missing properties specified in
AI: remove link from core spec

re: POST for query
AI: yes, allow this. 

AI: Need predefined namespace prefixes so every query URI does not have to define them
- as properties associated with Service Provider?

re: query item #15: no change

re: query item #16: no change

AI: Arthur to add examples to semantics document

JamesC: re: query item #19 need to be able to query for all things that link to a URI 

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