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Change Request mass submit

This scenario will focus on creating a number of Change Requests from a requirements document. The intention is to populate a backlog from a given set of requirements in an automated way so the user is not forced to manually submit each Change Request individually.



  • A requirement management (RM) repository exists
    • The RM repository has one or more requirements.
    • The requirements change management capability in the RM repository is enabled.
    • The RM repository is an OSLC RM 1.0 provider.
    • The RM repository is an OSLC CM 2.0 consumer.
  • A change management (CM) repository exists.
    • A change request type exists
    • The CM repository is a OSLC CM 2.0 provider
    • The CM repository is a OSLC RM 1.0 (2.0?) consumer with minimal set of needs (see notes)
  • Cross-server communication is established between the RM and CM repositories


  • One Change Request is created for each Requirement
  • An ImplementedBy? traceability link is created from the Requirement to the corresponding Change Request
  • An ImplementsRequirement? traceability link is created from the Change Request to the corresponding Requirement.


*(Step 1) Administrator: Configure field mappings

  1. In the requirements management repository, designate which Requirement fields will be used to fill values for Change Request fields during creation. For example, the Requirement text field will be used to fill in the description of the Change Request upon creation and the Requirement priority will be used to fill in the priority.

*(Step 2) Requirement Engineer: Submit Change Requests

  1. Open the Requirement(s)
  2. Choose to submit a Change Request for each selected requirement

*(Step 3) Requirement Engineer: Enter values for required fields

  1. Provide a value for each field required by the change management repository to create a Change Request that was not already mapped in step 1. This action will only be done one time for the entire set of requirements and the values entered will be used for each Change Request created.


  • Requirement
    • The requirement management tool is the consumer of the CM 2.0 specification. The CM 2.0 spec do not declare a requirements resource type, but depend on the RM specification for such resource definitions.
  • Change Request
    • The change request, specified in CM 1.0 spec, is the resource used by the requirement to delegate/manage/govern its change management workflow.
    • The change management tool is the provider of the CM 2.0 specification.
    • The change request will persist a URI to the requirement, to enable the delegated UI to browse and display requirements.

-- BrianSteele - 13 Jan 2011

Topic revision: r2 - 18 Jan 2011 - 15:28:24 - SteveSpeicher
Main.CmScenariosCRMassCreate moved from Main.CmScenariosBacklogPopulation on 18 Jan 2011 - 15:28 by SteveSpeicher - put it back
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