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Change Management Resources Definition (Future Topics)

SPECIFICATION NOTES : This is NOT a specification. This document is used to collect current out-of-scope items for consideration for future specification work. See the current resource defintion specification work? .


Change Management resources define the change requests, activities and tasks of the software delivery lifecycle. They represent individual change requests, activities and tasks, along with their relationships to other shared resource types such as project, category, release and plan.

Referenced Namespaces:

Summary of Core Resources:

  • request - A request for change to an application or product. Typically a product request for enhancement or a report for a resolution of a product defect.
  • task - A unit of work assign to an individual. A change request is typically decomposed into tasks to satisfy the requested change.

Secondary Resources

Note: these resources will not be modeled as separate resources but be types of core resources.

  • workitem - A piece of work that is a decomposition into smaller units for the purpose of progress tracking.
  • activity - A unit of work to complete a request.

Ancillary/Related Resources:

  • project - A container for the request.
  • category - A sub-container for the request.
  • release - For products or applications, a release identifier.
  • plan - The associated project/iteration plan assigned to.

Resource Descriptions

XML Representation of the Request Resource

A request is a description of a change requested to an application or product. Requests have associated workflows that include state models, approvals and reviews. In order to accomplish the change requested, it is often broken down into activities and tasks that get assigned to individuals to complete.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <request     xmlns=""    xmlns:alm=""    xmlns:dc=""    xmlns:xml=""    xmlns:xsi=""    xsi:schemaLocation=" open_services_cm.xsd"    xml:base="http://localhost:9080/jazz/" href="workitems/2314">     <dc:title> Provide import </dc:title>     <dc:identifier> 2314 </dc:identifier>     <dc:type> Enhancement </dc:type>     <dc:description>       Implement the system's import capabilities.     </dc:description>     <dc:subject> import, blocker </dc:subject>     <dc:creator> </dc:creator>     <alm:owner>       <alm:name> Laura Lyons </alm:name>       <alm:userid> llyons </alm:userid>     </alm:owner>     <alm:state> Completed </alm:state>     <alm:discussion  href="workitems/2314/notes" />     <alm:project> Tools </alm:project>     <alm:category> tools/import </alm:category>     <parent href="workitems/2199" />     <severity> Blocker </severity>     <priority> High </priority>     <alm:creationDate>2001-12-31T12:00:00</alm:creationDate>    <dc:date>2008-10-06T12:00:00</dc:date> </request> 

XML Representation Summary: request Element
href = xsd:anyURI >
Content: (dc:title, dc:identifier, dc:type?, dc:description?, dc:subject?, dc:creator?, alm:owner?, alm:state?, alm:discussion?, alm:project?, alm:category?, parent?, severity?, priority?, alm:creationDate?, dc:date?)
Property Representation
{dc:title} The required title string. Note that this element comes from the DC namespace, allowing tools unaware of the change management domain to access this element. This is sometimes also referred to as the headline or summary of the request.
{dc:identifier} The required, read-only identifier string. This is assigned by a change management system when a request resource has been created.
{dc:type} The optional type string. The type of request that is represented, such as: defect, enhancement, etc.
{dc:description} The required description string. This element comes from the DC namespace, allowing tools completely unaware of the change management domain to access this element.
{dc:subject} The optional subject string. The DC namespace defines this element to be a collection of keywords. The subject element will contain keywords and tags assigned to this request.
{dc:creator} The optional creator element, identifying the originating user of this request.
{jzalm:owner} The optional owner element, identifying the owner of this request. The owner is the person (or entity) responsible for completing the request.
{jzalm:state} The optional state -- this may take on any permissible value according to the associated process.
{jzalm:discussion} The optional discussion element which contains individual discussion nodes associated with this request. Some change management systems refer to these as notes.
{jzalm:project} The optional string describing the associated project to this request. Project is a container for requests.
{jzalm:category} The optional string describing the associated category. The category is a container for requests and can span projects.
{parent} The optional element has a @href attribute to define the location of the parent request resource.
{severity} The optional string describing the severity or impact of the request. Some typical values are: blocker, high, medium, low, etc.
{priority} The optional string describing the priority or relative urgency of the request. Some typical values are: high, medium, low, etc.
{jzalm:creationDate} The optional dateTime defining when the request was created or submitted.
{dc:date} The optional string defining a timestamp of the current state of the request or simply when it was last modified.

This topic: Main > WebHome > CmHome > CmSpecificationV1 > CmResourceDefinitionsV1 > CmResourceDefinitionsFuture
Topic revision: r2 - 28 May 2009 - 14:12:47 - ScottBosworth
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