This wiki is locked. Future workgroup activity and specification development must take place at our new wiki. For more information, see this blog post about the new governance model and this post about changes to the website.

Date: Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Time: 12:00 PM Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific, 6:00 PM Zurich (contact SteveSpeicher if you'd like to participate)

Previous minutes: CmMeetings20120104


Reoccurring agenda items: Main agenda items: Assigned scenario owners: Assigned specification owners Previous Action Items:
  • VijayAggarwal to complete list of ITOpsToDev scenarios and prioritize
  • SteveSpeicher - take feedback from Andre around implementation guidance wiki page, etc
  • SteveSpeicher - 2010 / CM 2.0 Retrospective - review action items from last meeting
  • SofiaYeung - State transitions between hierarchies of CRs - Sofia to draft some scenarios
  • SofiaYeung - needs to do batch updating of CRs. This has been discussed off and on, and there are
Next meetings (need to reschedule):
  • Feb 1- continue with 3.0 items


Call out for assistance running working group. SamPadgett volunteered and will take a co-chair role.

Recap of previous meeting CmMeetings20120104.

Community Updates

  • Lyo - Bugzilla sample updated to use j2bugzilla 1.0 API. Basic OAuth webapp framework complete. Looking at adding OAuth support to Bugzilla or one of the reference implementations.
  • JIRA - OSLC 2.0 implementation available and implementation report added. JIRA OSLC support is still an incubator project (not for production environments), but publicly available on
  • SteveSpeicher, MichaelFiedler, and RobertElves will be at EclipseCon? representing OSLC.

3.0 Spec Items

  • CmStateTransitions still being developed. SteveSpeicher and SamPadgett will take another pass at proposal and review with the working group. YuhongYin? mentioned that a UI approach alone is probably not sufficient, and transitions must be possible programmatically. Need to flesh out scenarios to better understand pros and cons of UI vs. programmatic approaches.

Attendees: SteveSpeicher, SofiaYeung, SamitMehta, RobertElves, BrianSteele, SamPadgett, YuhongYin?

Regrets: EricRoy, VijayAggarwal, DaveSteinberg

Topic revision: r2 - 18 Jan 2012 - 18:45:39 - SamPadgett
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