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Date: 12 November 2009
Time: 7:00 AM Pacific, 10:00 AM Eastern, 3:00 PM UK, 4:00 PM Frankfurt, 5:00 PM Haifa
Call In Number: (emailed)
Participation request: contact JimConallen


  1. Quickly summarize points from last meeting.
  2. Jim to propose pushing out of convergence and finalization by a month.
  3. Continue review discussion of draft specification.
    1. Examine changes recently made to OSLC RM specifications, consider following this lead.
      1. in-lined links
      2. link creation factories specified in service provider document
    2. Discuss the Link Resource and Link type Resourc.
    3. Discuss common OSLC query specification, and its adoption here
    4. Review mechanism for accessing RDFS schemas


Atendees: Eldad Palachi, Ian Hancock, Jim Amsden, Marnie Andrews, Nir Mashkif, Scott Bosworth, Tom Piccoli, Jim Conallen
Regrets: Vishy Ramaswamny


Jim C. proposed that the next two milestones (convergence and finalization) be pushed out a month, which would sync up with the asset management specification. All were in agreement.

Jim C. directed the atendees to see the latest changes in the OSLC RM specifications, suggesting that we should follow a similar fashion.

We then focused our attention on the common query specification.

Jim A. suggested that in addition to the simple query spec, already documented in the OSLC common area, that we permit the POSTing of actual SPARQL, and get results in RDF/XML.

Jim C. raised some concerns about eposing too much of the internal representations to the client, or requiring too much knowledge of them to make use of the query. Jim A. said that yes the vocabularly will need to be known, and the server would return only what was published (already visible) to the client.

Scott B. suggested that this is a good idea, however it would be best to bring this to the Authur and the estimation group, working on the next version of a common query spec. The general agreement was that we would add this idea as a comment to the OSLC Query page, but expect it to be acted on in the future spec.

As the team looked at the spec in detail we found several issues including

  • missing OR in boolean options
  • fulltext value not specified in BNF
  • sort direct (ASC/DESC) not specified

These were added as comments in the wiki page.

Jim C. also expressed some concern that some queries might not expressable. For example, "Find all AM resources that have a <dc:license> relationship with some URL of a web page"

We eventually determined that this could be expressed with:


(where everything past the first equal sign is URL encoded)

The next query was "find all resources that have any relationship to some URI". This was bit more tricky and one suggestion, that requires another namespace to be supported (rdf) was:


but it was not clear that what would get returned. Jim A. pointed out that SPARQL would make this easy, for example

SELECT ?res ?pred
?res ?pred <http://someuri>.

Finally there were some concerns on how to indicate that only the resource URI should be returned in the collection, not the entire document.

Jim C. accepted several action items to follow up on RM spec changes, and send out an email to the AM list. He will also attempt to follow up and resolve these query spec issues with Steve Speicher.

Jim A. promised to publish some additional resources/schemas to the wiki.

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Topic revision: r4 - 12 Nov 2009 - 17:58:31 - JimConallen
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